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Reference Index
Would have earned -100 %
Excess returns over benchmark
since beginning
Relative volatility
more than the benchmark
Concentrated Well-Diversified

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Sorry, no gains in any stocks

Premium Features

  • Tax loss harvesting potential $
  • 0.00
  • What if analysis
    • Worst performer was avoided?
    • Top performer was missed?
    • Index fund was bought at different times rather than as a lumpsum?
    • Cash was moved to a liquid fund at 3.5% p.a.?
  • Portfolio has broken of investing
  • Am I selling too early?
  • Am I buying too late?


  • You have high exposure to US, Large caps
  • 60% gains came from AAPL
  • 80% of gains came from trades in 3 week window around Dec 2022
  • Your timing skill/luck is above average
  • Your picks outperform the index
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