Excess returns over benchmark
since beginning
Relative volatility
more than the benchmark
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Sorry, no gains in any stocks
Premium Features
- Tax loss harvesting potential $ 0.00
What if analysis
- Worst performer was avoided?
- Top performer was missed?
- Index fund was bought at different times rather than as a lumpsum?
- Cash was moved to a liquid fund at 3.5% p.a.?
- Portfolio has broken
4 rulesof investing
- Rule of 7% - use a stop-loss at 7% of purchase price.
- Rule of 5% - don't keep more than 5% of your portfolio in a single stock.
- Rule of 8 weeks - hold a stock for at least 8 weeks after a good breakout.
- Rule of 21 - Sum of portfolio's PE ratio + Inflation is over 21
- Am I selling too early?
- Am I buying too late?
- You have high exposure to US, Large caps
- 60% gains came from AAPL
- 80% of gains came from trades in 3 week window around Dec 2022
- Your timing skill/luck is above average
- Your picks outperform the index